Hi.  Someone asked me the other day how they could determine the environment's tenant using x++, and here it is.  There's a few other fields in the mix, but aadResponse.TenantId in the code below is what you're looking for:

using Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Security.MicrosoftGraphHelper;

class Class1
    static void main (Args args)
        boolean status = false;
        str exMessage, failureMessage, response, tenant, s2sCertThumbprint, stackTrace;       
        // Try to authenticate to AAD
        var aadResponse = AADAuthentication::AuthenticateWithAADByCertificate();
        status = aadResponse.Status;
        tenant = aadResponse.TenantId;
        response = aadResponse.Response;
        s2sCertThumbprint = aadResponse.S2SCertThumbprint;
        stackTrace = aadResponse.StackTrace;

