Tips Tricks JSON ODATA for people that miss AIF One of the seemingly scariest changes moving to D365 a few years ago [when it was still AX7] was the loss of the constant in our lives that was AIF. AIF was the
Tips Tricks Entity cannot be deleted while dependent Entities for a processing group exist. Delete dependent Entities for a processing group and try again. Entity cannot be deleted while dependent Entities for a processing group exist. Delete dependent Entities for a processing group and try again.
Retail Import Export Migrate Retail Receipt Formats How to migrate D365 Retail Receipts from one environment to another
x++ x++ Add custom DMF entity to form; Open in Excel Use x++ form extension to add custom DMF data entity to a form's Open in Excel menu.
x++ DMFUtil DMFDownloadDataPackage Stuff The DMFUtil class is a great code collection to be aware of in case you ever find yourself trying to kick off DMF import/exports via x++, or are just curious about how
x++ DMFDataPopulation - Download Recurring Files Integrations are a lot of work. No matter how good you are, the project will never come together without great planning, transparency, and teamwork from all parties. In the ERP world, they can
x++ DMF JumpRef No matter who you are, if you're working with D365 you're working with DMF. You will inevitably have data problems and be trying to review your staging data in